Headship is not too undemanding, as is thought by many of the so- called leaders in Pakistan & of course, what is leadership meant to them, other than gaining votes and that too, not by the people, but by cash and then making sleaze the leading of their policies as if they are to gather as much plunder from a subjugated land as probable and send as many rivals to jail as doable or slay the opposition leaders…either under their jingles of Jihad in the way of Allah or their endeavor to diminish the number of culprits by making fake corruption charges …..and this is all they do, either lose half of the population or millions of miles of land, vending the nation too does them no matter..How can someone think_ even imagine to dream of a prosperous state when democracy is not justified _ where the voice of the people is buried under tones of sludge,, ..where hundreds commit suicides because of paucity, where majority of the population is illiterate, unwaged and more than half of it, living below the poverty line…Circumstances like this & the person, who knowing the conditions wants to change the scenario _ Aah! Genuine plucky is it! Homage to his gallantry…
Without any misgiving, the birthright “Bhutto-ism” is a saga of struggle against such dictators, who have been acting as vultures in the land. The Chairperson of Pakistan Peoples Party _ Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto _ a marvel, who fought her entire life for the sake of an egalitarian Pakistan…. Continuing with the bequeath of her father, who had been hanged, over the charge of committing the most heinous crimes in the eyes of these low caste rulers and they were providing “Bread, Clothing & Shelter” to the people of Pakistan, building up a new Pakistan, which had completely wrecked in the War of 1971 and to guarantee the security of Pakistan by making it a nuclear power & after that Great Unfair, his daughter _ Benazir stood against the forces of injustice dedicated to make true, the dreams, his father had seen for a progressive Pakistan _ A Pakistan, free from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, corruption, disease, unemployment & dictatorship _ where politicians are to serve the people & army , there on boarders to guard the state, where women are given respect & dignity & given opportunities to work shoulder to shoulder with men for the improvement of their state ; where their life is not engaged by the fears of Hudood Laws & not constrained to the wall of the house. Benazir entered into politics with such a shinning hallucination _ A visualization, intended to lighten every house with the glow of wealth, education, and health , where the people of Pakistan could feel no barrier in making their voice be heard by the leaders _ A bravura reflection….!!
Thoughts like Benazir infatuated were too, not an unproblematic charge to be realized but Benazir Bhutto _ a significant courage did never quit, though, the situations were too cruel to face, Benazir Bhutto possessed faith in peoples’ power & it was the power of the locals _ Of the commons, which brought a splendid day, when a Pakistani woman , who was just 35 years of age became the earliest ever woman to become the Head of a Muslim State & that woman, who was a spring of back-up , not only to Pakistani, but all the Muslim and working women was Benazir Bhutto Shaheed; who demonstrated that if willpower is factual & strong, nothing is not viable in the world & triumph is foreseeable, where heroism like Benazir Bhutto subsists.
Benazir Bhutto’s era was the golden era in the narration of Pakistan, where progress was made in every phase of verve & it was apparent that Pakistan could become a developed nation in the near prospect, but the doom altered and to the same observable fact in Pakistan, democracy can never stay alive longer and Benazir Bhutto Shaheed’s Government was abolished. What happened then... Could that so-called Male-dominated & Islamic Government do anything, even a distinct great endeavor, those who pledged of conquering the worlds…I look back and surely, all the junk falls on the faces of those poor rulers, who could not mange the state and once again, it was the brilliance of Benazir to take over as the Prime Minister of the state for the second time. It was fabulous….but to all the vocabulary, All clarifications, the verity cannot be disregarded that Pakistan was never ruled by the commons from the commencement and as is the base, so is the building…The Daughter of Destiny was compelled to live eight years of her life in exile _ in agony and in excruciating condition, where she’d to prove the innocence of her imprisoned husband, attend to her ailing mother ,look after the children and manage the party affairs, concerning every aspect of her party members….
History cannot site a spectacular paradigm of such a gigantic sea of support for democracy _ than October 18, 2007… The city of Karachi, which botched to have room for the Bhutto’s daughter’s supporters _ This was witnessed by every being on Earth.. Music & drums, beating to welcome Benazir _ for her return was the arrival of hope _ a hope, after prolonged sufferings & it touched every heart, seeing Benazir, under the Quran raising her hands in veneration and in prayer as her feet touched the soil of Pakistan. Billions gathered to catch a glare of her in such heat, without a single drop of water whereas the King’s party could gather hardly 100 people. , even at lunch time. Thereby followed a tremendous support of people for the Martyred Daughter of Destiny _ the daughter of a martyred father, the sister of martyred brothers_ The sphere of Pakistan, which was filled with the flags of Pakistan Peoples Party…The emblem of democracy. Though terrorizations were outnumbered and an assassination stab was made on Benazir Bhutto the same day, she returned to Pakistan in which hundreds of Bibi’s supporters laid their lives or became crippled came to be known as Jan Nisar Benazir Bhutto., but Bibi never gave up her proposal – her image of a Democracy in Pakistan.
Though, too much is left to reveal, but when one memorizes the sinister December 27, 2007, every deliberation is lost _ the mentality, going vacant, for that was the murkiest day in the account of the world, when it lost a legend_ The Benazir for all times…Truly Benazir…Benazir Bhutto’s vision would remain a bright example for every movement, that comes into subsistence for the deprived populace. Certainly, her name would for eternity be written in golden books. Her services for democracy would forever remain the dazzling part of our past and this day too, Benazir Bhutto rules the hearts & minds of the people. Her life is a role model for all the coming generations & whenever one verbalizes about democracy in Pakistan, the Pakistan Peoples Party is the best selection of the people of Pakistan. The words of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto that you can by no means execute an apparition & my daughter Benazir would become Benazir in the history of the Sub Continent really chime true…!
Jeay Bhutto…!!!
“The forces of justices and democracy always triumph”.
Saria Bhutto Benazir.
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