The empathy twinges,
The eyes gleam with shreds,
The essence gets missing,
The wits get void,
The eardrum ruptures,
The clatter fails in the gorge,
Oh my God!
The years gash into portions,
In apprehension & melancholy,
The flashes of exodus,
My life’s getting to stop …
Penetrating into all the dictionaries,
I stumble on not a sole word,
Capable to portray you,
To delineate you,
To articulate your exquisiteness,
Visibly beyond compare,
To eulogize your vividness,
Unmistakably with no identical,
To value your gallantry,
That no one else could ever have,
My idyllic..
My fanaticism…
It was none besides Benazir…
Princess of the Mehran Valley,
The sovereign of Indus,
The Daughter of fortune,
The flare of egalitarianism,
The crest of optimism,
The paradigm of audacity,
Each phase of my Benazir’s life,
That was extremely Benazir...
Her origin,
The City of Lights,
The alluring sun of June 21,
Brought with it a divination,
A prophecy of the influx of Benazir,
Benazir _The only Dad’s Pinky,
That Benazir,
Whom the world discerns by the name,
The Daughter of East & ,
The Champion of Democracy..
The unmoved Benazir,
About whom Mr. Bhutto said,
My Daughter Benazir would become “Benazir”,
“Benazir” in the narration of the Sub – Continent”.
Who can have the guts to evaluate?
To balance own self with her,
Who after losing her father,
Did not refrain from her struggle,
Her whip about for a Pakistan,
Making it a terra firma of her father’s imaginings.
Benazir_ My fearless leader,
Who fought against the cruelties,
Of the numerous scavengers,
In the endeavor,
Losing two of her brothers,
Leaving a sick mother,
The husband incarcerated,
And she herself banished,
With colossal saddle of responsibilities,
She’d to clutch with herself..
There, I stumble on her pluck,
The intrepidness, with which she faced all,
Forever an instance for all worlds to follow,
Who still had the same adore for a nation,
For a territory,
That gave her zilch,
Nothing in addition to sufferings,
And made her spot nothing,
But prejudice and massacres….
Just pokes and cudgel charges..
Her come back after eight years,
And the soil of Pakistan,
This slaked its craving,
As my Bibi’s feet stroked it,
Such was her greatness,
I see a crowd,
Calling out at Benazir_ their only hope,
Uttering her slogans,
Benazir_ The hope of a dawn, after long night,
The arrival of good days,
After prolonged saga of sufferings,
But the doom twirled,
And point on no account tolerated,
Not time, but dictators,
Such autocrats,
Who took her away,
While waving her countrymen,
So viciously,
Still, Benazir died a Benazir death,
A bereavement, that not every body else gets…
Jeay Bhutto!
Saria Bhutto Benazir.
GREAT PPL LL NEVER DIE...GTREATEST PPL LIVE FOREVER IN HUMAN'S SOUL...appreciate u saria sister...thanx for giving this beautifull,inspirated n ample gud poetry for shaheed muhatarma benazir bhutto...jey BHUTTO..MAY U LIVE LONG...REGARDING SAJID BHUTTO.