In a state,
Where democracy did scarcely live,
A love for emancipation,
But No esteem for it,
Never a consideration to its significance,
Where the deprived were treated,
As articles of trade,
Where a Layman possessed no civil liberties,
Not an even a say in the way,
He was being led,
Not even enough influence,
To converse for what was going on,
His tone stopped in his larynx….
For he was ineffective enough,
To utter a word against the LEADING ones!
It was a state,
Where politics subsisted,
Not in the cottages of the commons,
But its set in the country was,
The lodgings of the Landlords,
Where they had been no manifesto,
But of course, the purposes were well known,
To dominate the weaker ones,
To fill up own treasuries,
Grab the only light,
The light of education from the kids of deprived,
Moreover, that was given the name,
Called “politics” in their idioms,
POLITICS- Without the factual essence of it,
Politicians, who hardly knew the meaning of “Politics”…..
History then changed its segment,
In the same Land,
Was born a hope,
A person, far better than his precursors,
In every facet,
Who couldn’t bear his people’s turbulence,
And tried his best,
To bring about democracy,
To give a voice to the poor & depressed,
To sustain the impoverished,
To lighten the lives of others,
With the ever lasting radiance of education,
To put an end to despotism,
And eradicate scarcity & unemployment,
Illiteracy & wars,
At last, in the same resist,
He gave up his life,
Though, a single – second’s contentment for the foes,
But no! He never died,
But got an endless life,
An existence, which was never to last…..
Z. A Bhutto – The Man of Courage,
I gesture your endeavors,
Jeay Bhutto!
There, eyes catch spectacle of a woman,
Who bore every adversity,
Every chastisement, afflicted on her,
Whatever the course of it may be,
The boldness was unparalleled,
For she lost her husband,
Her young sons,
And Later her beloved “Pinky” as well,
The Daring Woman of the Sub Continent,
The valor, she possessed was so atypical,
None else than the Iron Lady of Pakistan,
Nusrat Bhutto! – I gesture your sacrifices,
Jeay Bhutto.
The greatest exemplar of cheek,
Who else can symbolize,
Than the heroic Daughter of Destiny,
My beloved mentor Shaheed Mohtarmah Benazir Bhutto,
Carrying a heap of huge responsibilities,
The greatest one of materializing her father’s vision,
And to give up the absolute of what he expected from her,
“BENAZIR” in the narrations of Asian Continent,
The lady, who spent her entire life in struggle,
Struggle for egalitarianism & culminating terrorism,
Thrash about against totalitarianism,
Without any trepidation,
Benazir Bhutto _ I truly Gesture you!
Jeay Bhutto!
Seeing the most petrifying results,
Watching with her own eyes,
The judicial murder of father,
And the atrocious killing of brothers,
Malicious treatment of mother,
All at a side,
But she never gave up her struggle,
And finally,
Lasted with giving up her blood,
To strengthen the Peoples’ Power…..
Benazir Bhutto
I gesture you for all you did for the natives of Pakistan…..
Saria Benazir.
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