Times, going too swift _ roving all around & considering the golden sun glimmers of October 18, 2007 _ Ah! A scrutiny of the ambiance all about _ Either gazing at the sky, were those the crests of Himalayas or the gesticulates of the Arabian _ Were those wolfs in the woods or doves in the air _ Whether that was the soil or the firmament ¬_ All around was dispersed a Hope _ An expect which had likely died off, over a century _ Where the eyes caught spectacle of nothing, but red, green & black flags, casing the scope_ No words, but JEAY BHUTTO & WELCOME BENAZIR! _ O! Then unquestionably, one starts to muse about “Who Benazir?” The rejoinder comes “The same daughter of the East, who was banished, eight years ago” and then probably, the question “Why”? And the answer, I guess it’s what so likely fair in Pakistan’s politics only_ the only rationale following was that she spoke for classlessness, concerned, not for her own luxuries, but for the people of Pakistan! Exactly, she did not hold empathy, too callous enough to see millions starving or reaching the heavens, due to anguish and even greater excruciating is the fact that people who committed suicide, just because they had no means of survival. For these pitiable and distressed people, it was PPP which spoke of “BREAD, CLOTHING & SHELTER”, but who in the world can value that in Pakistan, and according to the commandments of the KING’S Parties, these things are just the chattels of the ruling class_ Not a layman, of course, from their point of view, he does not even acquire the right to take a gasp in the atmosphere of the state or moreover, he’s to reimburse the outlay of the sky as well. Situations like such prevail in the state & still, they speak of Change _ of a Revolution, superior to the FRENCH REVOLUTION, Oh God! It’s they, who address of ECONOMIC STABILITY in the country or they don’t have a little ignominy in uttering such a big lie in front of the world “Only 15% of the country’s total population is beneath the contour of poverty”, but start to knock every door _ The door of a layman’s house and then figure up the number of families, who daily take their meal twice…! You’d get to recognize the facts. Yeah! It is the same politicians, who speak of DEMOCRACY & tot up out the number of political prisoners in every jail of Pakistan! O! What a great democracy?? The leaders of the time, I mean the President or the Prime Minister mistook to declare PAKISTAN as the LARGEST DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of the world_ oh! Such a Republic, in which the opposition was never even authorized to sit in the Parliament! God!!! When I inscribe this too, the highlighter slithers out of hand & for a while, I think like “Can I _ Who hardly knows the meaning of starvation can subsist in such clauses?” “I _ who’s hardly or assembled out of the well furnished rooms can ever imagine of living in a prison”? That all pinches the peace of mind & thereby, such incidents, & the people conscientious for the crisis _ their shoe doesn’t even hassle _ God! Can a person be such a sick??? Or too arctic to feel anyone else’s pain??? At least, there are people like so in Pakistan’s politics!
No less than a grave was survival hard in Pakistan & in those instants, the homecoming of a trust _ A chronicle too long that if I’m going to start putting the details on a paper, it might take so long or absorb every breath of my life in it_ Still, it would be left incomplete _ A chore, I’d fail to do, for that is a viewpoint and a heritage, filled with blood _ Red, visible all around, but October 18 _ A day, that had never-ending collision on not my being merely, but on the lives of millions! Millions, who on the day altered the purpose of their lives _ It was a day, and the enormity of it is so likely that words if truth be told fall short of its merit…..for the vision was incredible _ The destiny was stupendous _ The return was the yearning of trillions! A dove, flying with the insignia of harmony and egalitarianism _ and the world, waiting frantically to hail her _ yes! It was the return of BENAZIR _ Ah! I epistle it “BENAZIR RETURN” _ I connote INCOMPARABLE RETURN, for the humanity had never witnessed someone, and that too, a leader of the opposition, and in the presence of so many intimidations, a nugget, being welcomed with such enthusiasm! For Benazir’s the ardor of the thousands! A gargantuan sea of support that was with each of its brandish, chanting out WELCOME BENAZIR!! It was the legend of a metropolitan, which failed to house the Bhutto’s daughter’s Supporters! Narrations & Media excerpt the return of Savior, dressed in her country’s national colors _ A Benazir, dressed in emerald with her ashen scarf, hovering on her head! Her eyes, filled with an optimism of making a new Pakistan _ A Benazir Pakistan.
Though, the ground realities were too vindictive, but Benazir returned to her state with a BENAZIR nerve, audacity, that was nowhere else to be found! Copious chanting out for Benazir & of course, the world can never close eyes to the martyrs of Karsaz, who gave up their own lives to shield their leader & so many, who became crippled. Yet, history has never witnessed a day like October 18 _ Knowing all the menaces & BB who returned, when the Damocles’ sword was still hanging on her head! That was a day of carnival _ A day, when the soil of Pakistan gained its life, as BB’s feet touched it! In fact, a day like that can never be elapsed & history’s for sure, going to engrave it in Golden books!!
It was the arrival of a hope _ the come back of Democracy! Without qualm, A “BENAZIR RETURN” for a “BENAZIR” cause!
Jeay Bhutto!
Saria Benazir.
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