Though, history is filled with parables of heroism _ of gallant leaders, but when taking circumstances to the constraints of Pakistan, it’s quite evident that our country did not get sufficient leaders, who believed in the democracy _ in spite of the fact that the country was founded on the root of egalitarianism. Ever since, democracy _ which sounded to a be a replica word in the narrations of the leading class, who hardly had any initiative about what was going within and further more, rioting, swell in corruption & inflation _ that was all, that lead the country to experience Martial Law Governments for decades_ the periods, in which the voice of the commons was stifled & no one had the right to criticize any of the policies of the Government. In such perilous situations, the foundation of Pakistan Peoples Party was the mile stone, that lead to democratic overhaul in Pakistan _ Giving all the country men, equal powers _ equal rights over the resources of the country, equivalent opportunities of edification, health , employment and justice, but as for nation like Pakistan, democracy has always been the forbidden fruit and of course, what could a small group of people do at a time, where they themselves could not get justice _ Though, despite being the rulers, who were the dupes of injustice _ injustice at the hands of the bribed ones and to the world, this day, it’s an open question for what was the fault of Quaid _ e_ Awam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto _ the founder Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party & the former Prime Minister of Pakistan_ The World’s beloved leader _ A gem, which the world can never get back, even in thousands centuries….???? His mistake just laid in saving Pakistan and promising to grant “BREAD, CLOTHING & SHELTER” to his people and to risk his own life, just for making his state a nuclear power. To this day, where are those courts, who gave his death statement..???? Has their inner self forgiven them..! For they’re such tumid souls, who know neither victory, nor defeat.
Following in the footprints of her father, the Daughter of Destiny Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto made indefatigable exertions to make Pakistan, a land of Bhutto’s dreams and in her political struggle, one cannot ignore the connotation of her husband and the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, who stood besides her in every difficult time and never gave up for the reason, his wife was struggling too hard _ facing trillions hardships, every single day and for the purpose, his father in law had been hanged. History cannot site another such paradigm of a leader , who , apart from possessing every supply of a luxurious life preferred to live a life, which was dedicated to providing rights to the ordinary ones of Pakistan.
Looking into his political struggle, it seems like as if prison was his second home, for the opponents of democracy left no effort _ no opportunity to cause him harm and the arraigns, against him could never be proved in decades. Those were not charges of corruption, they were charges of speaking in the voice of the commons _ to raise the standard of living of the natives of Pakistan and of course, who dreadful can facts further more be _ the person, who’s tongue was cut off, just because he spoke for “ROTI, KAPRA & MAKAAN” for the people of Pakistan _ His taking a single breath had even become hard, just for tying his relation with the member of a family, which had constantly stood against the dictators and finally, gave their blood for their people. So was here and President Zardari did not attest his relationship so fake _ He proved to the dedicated follower of Bhutto –ism _ A legacy, so far filled with abrasions _ deep seas of blood.
A person _ who was suffering from a heart disease and still, at the time, where his wife had to look after him., her ailing mother, a nation in agony and managing the affairs of her party _ Truly, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed was the “DAUGHTER OF DESTINY”, who not only faced, but successfully got out of all these issues with patience _ Facts are always terrible _ It had not been a year, the family was together _ the world saw Benazir, Asif, Bilawal, Aseefa and Bakhtawar together that the land of Pakistan was demanding for the blood of another Bhutto and that too, the flower of Paradise Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, who left her world _ a world of her love to fight against oppressors and the eyes , filled with tears, heart, melted to recall moments of December 27, 2007, she was snatched so brutally from us. Such harsh moments and here too, it was the same man of courage, President Zardari, who himself was in need of healing his sores provided everybody else, his own shoulder to cry on and saved Pakistan by calling out “PAKISTAN KHAPPAY” _ WE NEED PAKISTAN.
Today, he stands as the Co – Chairman of the largest party of Pakistan _ Pakistan Peoples Party _ The Representative of the 18 million population of Pakistan! He’s truly the “RIGHTFUL HEIR” of the Bhutto bequest!
Saria Benazir.
may Allah Bless a.a.zardari with long healthy & happy life. Aameen. He is the first ever pakistani resident who actually earned the presidency by resolutely standing by his beliefs for the welfare of the common man. In simpler words 'zardari is the first legitimate president for pakistan' & his person remains a living ode to his (yarhamhallah)wife's depth of vision & aesthetics ;she(yarhamhallah)saw the first legitimate president for her country even before the man himself say. Subhanallah. It is an honor to belong to a nation which has such icons of unique audacity.