Bhutto is no longer the name of an individual_ the name of a family, but it the name of a legacy and the emblem of a campaign, which always raised its voice against dictatorship and injustice_ against poverty and discrimination _ and against disorder and restlessness. The history of Bhutto family started from the Arabs, who conquered Sindh and spread Islam in the Sub Continent and up to this day, the BHUTTO has become the name of that family, which stood firmly against every sort of dictatorship and despite the fact that they themselves had two different paths to go on_ an absolutely luxurious and royal life or the second one_ a painful death…The followers of Bhuttoism always gave preference to the second alternative and thereby, chose a way to make their lives, an example for the coming generations to follow and be proud of.
“TO LIVE ONE DAY LIKE A LION IS BETTER THAN TO LIVE HUNDRED YEARS LIKE A JACKAL”. The founder of Bhuttoism_ the person, who laid the founding stone of a world wide family known as Pakistan Peoples Party spent his entire life, working for the prosperity of his nation_ to provide them “Bread, Clothing & Shelter”. , which despite being the basic needs of life were not available to a large number of Pakistani population. He fought gallantly against the military rule of Ayub Khan and tried all his best to bring about a real democracy in Pakistan and make his nation, one of the developed ones in the world. It was the time, when the people and especially poor ones had not even a single shoulder to cry on. It was only “Bhutto”, who despite facing such difficult conditions did not at all care for the creeps. His vision became a quintessence of power_ people’s power, that only the common people of the state possessed. The lay man too, from his point of view held right on the state in much the same way, as the ruler of the country.
Democracy and bringing democracy, as the result of a struggle is not easy _ not easy to bring about and more precisely, where every one has power greed, where all are hungry before the chair and how can one with completely different thoughts , much sincere ideas, more delicate vision survive amongst such beasts. Democracy and the love of people for their leader after all, defeated dictatorship and yes_ gave it a crushing defeat_ an everlasting and humiliating one…..
Obviously, the 4th of April ,1977 apparently seemed to be the red letter day for the militants, but that is a fact that some people cannot understand_ yes, they are too weak enough to understand universal powers_ A great writer Reinhold Neibuhr’s words suit their aims “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things, I cannot change, courage to change the things, I can and the wisdom to know the difference”.
The death statement, was a statement, that nature regarded as the time of making Bhutto an immortal _ giving him an eternal life……….that life, which is never to finish. Yes, Bhutto was hanged, but not his vision_ he gave up his life and died the death of a martyr, that death_ which not everyone is lucky to get. Even after his death, his assassins feared from the dead “BHUTTO”, for they too believed that despite all, whatever they did, Bhutto is alive, and whatsoever, they may try, they cannot kill Bhutto. Today too, not only the supporters of Bhutto, but his opponents too call out Zinda Hai Bhutto, Zinda Hai…Bhutto is the unanimous voice of the people of Pakistan. Bhutto is the conqueror of hearts and lives in every soul.
Truth can never be denied,
Well, nor can you hide,
The sun, behing your fingers,
Nor you do possess the power,
Of changing the fate,
Then give look to the reality,
To the universally accepted phenomenon,
To the voice of heaven,
I will never die,
Even if I am assassinated
Life doth not mean,
Spending it,
Merely in search of sustenance,
Begging others for asylum,
What a thought….???
Aw!! You call it life…………????
Better, if you are buried alive!
Life is to spend it,
In a way,
The world accept you,
It craves for you,
Wants you…….
And your people give you a place,
You become their voice,
They remember you in good letters,
That love, they do give you,
That death’s nothing you….
The same is the reason for why,
Why I’m too confident to say,
I’ll never die,
“even if I am assassinated”.
Using a bullet,
Or hanging me,
Despite taking me,
Beyond the human comprehension,
You can never remove me,
From the minds of the people,
Nor can you stop my movement,
Or kill my vision,
Even if I am assassinated.
You cannot remove me from history,
Or from the voice of democracy,
Or from the voice, which arises for the rights,
Rights of the poor,
Of the redundant,
Of the helpless,
Of the depressed ones…..
I will remain alive in every thought,
In every mind,
In every heart,
Even if I am assassinated.
You cannot hide my struggle,
Or my affiliation with my nation,
Cutting the long story short,
You cannot,
Yes!!!You can never,
Never hide my blood…
Narai Bhutto, Jeay Bhutto.
Kal Bi Bhutto Zinda Thaa,
Aaj Bi Bhutto Zinda Hai…..
Saria Benazir.
Where from u bring these sort of ideas .... i m astonished after reading this