I remember and look two years back i.e the days following Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's return to Pakistan in 2007.Those days;the golden days were where all I found was hope.For eight years,the disappointments,which had become a part of every Pakistani's life banished,as it was a miracle or by some magic spell.How can one,not only a Pakistani,but how can every civilized or distressed,a victim of cruelties,anywhere in the world forget the sun of the 18th of October,2007,which brought a new hope for the hunger stricken,cloth less,shelter less ,poor,unemployed and the depressed people of a nation _of a country,whose foundation was laid on the principles of Islam,which supports democracy & opposes every sort of dictatorship;but ever in its history,democracy wasn't given a chance to flourish or survive and those,who fought for democracy were made the worst examples for the future generations,whose future seemed to be wrapped in the dark curtains of dictator rule, that rule,where despite being a free citizen of a state,you aren't free_not free to chose your own leaders or to speak what's right or to demand for anything that you absolutely possess the right over.As John Foster Dulles writes "Dictatorship usually presents a formidable exterior.They seem,on the outside to be hard,glittering and irresistible.Within,they are full of rottness".No civilized nation,ever in the world speaks good of dictatorship,that has been snatching the world's hroes from it.Winston Churchill similarly wrote "Dictatorship_a fetish worship of one man_is a passing phase,a state of society,where men may not speak their mindsmwhere children denounce their parents to the police...............such a society cannot long endure".
But on the day of 18th October,everything sounded different.Every attempt,physical or verbal couldn't stop the arrival of hope; the arrival of the revival of hope and democracy,my beloved leader Shaheed Benazir Bhutto!Everywhere was a view of celebration.Every heart was filled with joy & hope,each and every eye was waiting to catch Benazir Bhutto's glare..Each and every ear was restless to hear her hope filled words.....words of the Daughter of the Indus..!That hope was not only for some selected members of the society,rather,Bibi's arrival brought hope for all.It brought hope to the poor.Ever since in history,one might not see a leader like her,whose affiliation with the poor of the society was like that of parents,brothers,sisters and children.How did she use to hug even a lay man and greet them with love & respect.....Golly!!Then such a person is really worthy of praise and peoples' prayers...!!I saw the hope..!It was the hope,which removed the wool of disappointments,surrounding every Pakistan's life.Everywhere was there a hope of revolution,every blow of wind,every song of nightingale spoke out "BENAZIR WILL COME: REVOLUTION WILL COME.I saw huge crowds,greeting Benazir Bhutto,wherever she went.Her followers and her supporters,who saw her after eight years..their condition was like had they gained a new life!What was the joy..???and hope,,..???Pakistan's soil hoped for her progress and prosperity,Every person hoped for his betterment.Every mother hoped for her child's bright future,.Had it all been a miracle,following my leader's return to Pakistan.
Her promise of BREAD, CLOTHING AND SHELTER,her promise of bringing back the Government of the people,her promise of setting new schemes for education & health,her promise of employments,her promise of development in the power sector...What was it all???Indeed,a hope!Then history also saw one of its blackest days on the 3rd of November,2007, when a dictator,misusing his power imposed a state of emergency in Pakistan and my beloved leader Benazir Bhutto was placed under house arrest,but her bravery & courage; to get out of her dwelling during the respective time to address her people is certainly exampleless_ a new hope that despite every placed hurdle in the way; despite every thorn lying there,Benazir Bhutto will lead Pakistan to the destination.Those were the golden days,indeed in the history of Pakistan,as Benazeer Bhutto's return brought that hope,that spirit,which had never been witnessed before.As in the words of Benazir Bhutto : "Time comes ; time goes...We decide what to do with time".Although,it's a fact that we are facing a great crisis in Pakistan and have to eradicate terrorism & extremism....We are passing through a really difficult phase of Pakistan's history because of the wrong policies of dictators.In the words of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto:
"My dear countrymen,my dear friends,my dear students,labourers,peasants...those who fought for Pakistan.......We are facing the worst crisis in our country's life; a deadly crisis.We have to pick up the pieces,very small pieces,but we will make a new Pakistan _ a prosperous & progressive Pakistan".
Today also,hope isn't lost and InshAllah,Pakistan,under the leadership of President Asif Ali Zardari will soon get out of this crisis...But all we need is the same hope,that was brought by Bibi Shaheed's arrival,two years back.
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