“Bhutto” is no longer the name of an individual or of a family, but it is the name of a birthright and is the crest of a crusade, which always elevated its influence against despotism and prejudice, against paucity and bigotry - and against disarray and restiveness. To this day, the BHUTTO has become the name of that family, which stood determinedly against every genus of totalitarianism and regardless of the actuality that they themselves had two diverse conduits to go on- an enormously deluxe and splendid life or the second one- an agonizing death…The disciples of Bhutto-ism always gave predilection to the second alternative and thereby, chose a way to make their lives, an exemplar for the coming generations to tag along and be conceited of.
“TO LIVE ONE DAY LIKE A LION IS BETTER THAN TO LIVE HUNDRED YEARS LIKE A JACKAL”. The originator of Bhutto-ism - the person, who laid the naissance stone of a world wide family known as Pakistan Peoples Party spent his intact life, working for the affluence of his nation and to grant them “Bread, Clothing & Shelter” , which in the face of being the indispensable requirements of life were not accessible to a large number of Pakistani inhabitants. He fought courteously against the military rule of Ayub Khan and tried his best to bring about a genuine democratic system in Pakistan and make his nation, one of the developed ones in the world. It was the time, when the people and especially poor ones had not even a single shoulder to cry on. It was only “Bhutto”, who despite facing such thorny circumstances did not at all care for the skulks. His visualization became a quintessence of clout - people’s power, which merely belonged to the commons of the state. The lay man too, from his point of view held right on the state in much the same way, as the ruler of the country.
Egalitarianism and bringing classlessness, as the result of a resistance is not trouble-free -not undemanding to bring about and more accurately, where every one has power ravenousness, where all are famished before the chair and how can one with wholly different contemplations , much earnest initiatives, more resolute vision endure amongst such brutes. Democracy and the affection of people for their leader after all, overwhelmed dictatorship and yes, it gave it a devastating defeat - an undying and mortifying one.
5th July, 1977 - The sinister day in the history of Pakistan , when the Government of the founder Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party Quaid e Awam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was eliminated by the then tyrant Zia ul Haq, and thereby, Pakistan came under the longest era of Martial Law ever since its underpinning. Moments were too awful. Amidst murky nights, the end of a democratic Government, followed by the judicial murder of ZA Bhutto and those three months for the elections, which never existed seemed to strangle every being on the planet. July 5 – That was the black day for dismantling the Constitution of Pakistan. It was the nerve of Pakistan Peoples Party & only Pakistan Peoples Party, which faced all these obstacles and murders with patience and sagacity, for we deem, neither in prisons, nor in bullets, but DEMOCRACY is our vengeance and that in the end, it is the forces of democracy & justice, which triumph.
Perceptibly, the 4th of April, 1979 appeared to be the red letter day for the confrontational forces, but that is a verity that some cannot comprehend - Yes, they are too scrawny enough to appreciate divinity’s commands. Reinhold Neibuhr’s words are of course, a fine yearning for them “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things, I cannot change, courage to change the things, I can and the wisdom to know the difference”.
The bereavement statement was a declaration, which nature considered as the time of making Bhutto an immortal and giving him a perpetual life - that existence, which is never to cease. Bhutto was dangled, but not his revelation - he gave up his life and died the death of a martyr, that demise, which not everyone is auspicious to get. Even after his death, his assassins dreaded from the dead “BHUTTO”, for they too believed that despite all, whatever they did, Bhutto is alive, and whatsoever, they may attempt, they cannot murder Bhutto. Today too, not only the adherents of Bhutto, but his rivals too call out Zinda Hai Bhutto, Zinda Hai…Bhutto is the undivided voice of the people of Pakistan. Bhutto is the vanquisher of hearts and lives in every essence.