Nevertheless, realities are too uncertain and of course, it’s not too easy to predict misfortunes, but as far as it’s the case with Pakistan, every impossible is possible here. Just look into the history of this state and nature’s going to compel you to close your eyes, for it seems too hard for a human to stare at the thousands of liters of blood lying on the terrain of Pakistan _ a state, which was founded to establish in it a democratic system, keeping in view the principles of Islam _ The same Pakistan, which is known as the centre of Islam, but have a look on its narrations impartially and that truly is more than disappointing to catch sight of murders & only murders _ for that is humanly impossible to describe that in words too or to get even the sketch of it in my mind. Known as the Islamic Democratic Republic of Pakistan, I bet if any of the leaders of the so – called Muslim Leagues or their fellow groups can even give a correct definition to politics and democracy _ that comes ten steps up. I hardly even believe if they understand the meaning of the word “Commons” or if the so – called Supreme Courts and Chief Justices of Pakistan are aware of the term “Justice” or “Law”, for in their books or the education, which they’ve still received, the word commons, or justice does not exist and if Law exists, then all they’re taught is merely how that can be used to hang or exile people, who feel the plight of the poor natives.
Rolling back into the magnificent past, the first great murder _ A judicial murder of the founder of Pakistan & the founder Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party Quaid e Awam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and looking into the reasons for that, even a layman knows that he has taken from his soul, just because of his promise of providing Bread, Clothing and Shelter to the people of Pakistan, his vow to gather up the broken pieces of the state and make a prosperous Pakistan and his commitment to make it a nation, that is not in need of foreign assistances even for its survival _ This is known as the “UNFORGIVABLE CRIME” in the verdicts of Pakistani courts and later, even the vampires and ghosts weep out loud to see the brutal assassination of the Daughter of Destiny , the daughter of a martyred father _ The sister of Martyred brothers _ Empathy soars to see her waving her people for the last time, still carrying loads of hopes for her people in her eyes _ So many dreams, which were yet to be realized _ Did that hand not even stop for a second, for he was leaving the entire nation orphan forever _ Without any guidance _ Snatching the only Benazir _ The Daughter of East from the world _ A time. When the waves stood still, birds stop chirping, but Gosh! People are too cruel enough to take every of your treasure just in instants!
All, given to Pakistan Peoples Party and the followers of the Bhutto legacy was just prisons, till the date _ Go back and see, who else in Pakistan has spent a greater time in prison than the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, who spent almost eight years behind the gates of jail & got his tongue cut off just because he spoke for the common people of Pakistan. When released, that too, on medical basis, for he had become a heart patient & what can be a greater sacrifice_ the person, who was not even given this much opportunity to place hand on his children and provide them affection when they were in need of it. The compassion splits into trillions of pieces _ for in his entire married life, he hardly spent 5 of the years with his family _ God! You better know if that is known as justice …?????
Where the paths to move on are so narrow _ where no one can get a way out of mishaps, just give a look to the valor of President Zardari who in such critical situations lost the person, who could give emotional & every other sort of support and finally, December 27, 2007 even snatched her beloved wife from here. There came that time too, when the people called out PAKISTAN NA KHAPPAY _ We don’t need Pakistan. At such critical moments of Pakistan’s history, it has was the same person, mocked by the name Mr . 10 % who saved this Pakistan from drowning in that flood, from where it could never get out, despite all the relieves. This day, he represents the 18 million population of Pakistan, but behind the curtains lie a vast fable of his struggle _ The person, who gave up all his fortunes for the sake of Pakistan & Pity on this shameless class, which gave him just a shoe in reward. What else can be the edge of ignorance!
Wherever the world may go to, the opponents of PPP gets paradise for it or go to hell, the fact remains the same
Aik Zardari, Sab Par Bhaari.
Saria Benazir.