The words, quoted in my tears _ the tears of a supporter of democracy…..these excruciating, but most retarding moments of my life compel me to realize that life is nothing, more than a game of whist _ We have no time to sit or stand. Years ago, the founder of Pakistan Peoples Party Quaid e Awaam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto spoke in the voice of the natives of his land and promised to provide “Bread, Clothing & Shelter” to his people………………..The man, who ought to make his country a well developed country and provide it with all out opportunities to flourish_ and vowed to give it that strength and prosperity, which is not the destiny of every nation . Today, even a common citizen _ an un educated person or a person,. Who does not even posses the least awareness about politics may be well aware of Shaheed Bhutto’s measures for him . i.e. he devoted his life to the poor and redundant population . Still,. The long way of struggle……………….., those obstacles, which made an important, but undeniable part of his life force the world to call out & after seeing the great INJUSTICE on the name of FAIR PLAY :-
What a greater proof of it can be that this day too, every single person from every corner of the world believes and calls out that Bhutto is alive.
Continuing with the same mission of accomplishing the vision of Quaid e Awaam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the Daughter of Destiny Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto moved with the same identity of a red legacy, a blood filled way , known to be the flag bearer of Pakistan Peoples Party. The Martial law of Ayub Khan , the conspiracies of Gen Ishaq Khan or Farooq Laghari _ Was that all too enough for vanishing the name of Bhutto or Benazir or PPP from the pages of history…???Too horrible moments , did she face , but ever did she lay down her aims??? Did she stop moving towards her desination??? Did she……….??
The golden days of Pakistan’s history which turned into the darkest ones, when Bibi’s Government was snatched from her and she was compelled to leave Pakistan. i. e to adopt exile. That was done to remove her from the path of politics , but certainly, that efoort was fruitless too…..Obviously. Didn’t even work out to the worst…!!!The world writes in its records, the golden. The bright sun rise of October 18 , 2007, when despite knowing of all the possible threats …… but possible, yet evident mishaps, the Daughter of Destiny stepped on her motherland after eight years of exile , stood amidst her supporters on the land of her ancestors.
There came the darkest sunset too. The woman , who had left her children , her family for the sake of her motherland was brutally murdered…..The Bhutto’s Pinky now resides in the flower beds of the soil of Garhi Khuda Bux Bhutto. In the same graveyard of martyrs, _ the place, reserved only for democracy lovers…… only for revolutionaries_ merely for those , who feel the plight of the poor and down trodden……!!!!
This day , despite the same blood lying on the same soil. Too evident, yet , the spirit of Bhuttoism is not lost. Democracy survived and thus, Pakistan survived only after our President Zardari called out Pakistan Khappay and today, if our party is ruling, it has the complete right to rule because the history of PPP’s struggle is certainly too long and today too, attempts are being made to harm the federation – either by taking support from army , from media or from judiciary , or making assassination attempts , the PPP ‘s Government will surely survive and the world must remember that this day too, PPP is the largest political body of Pakistan and of course, the young leadership and the nascent generation is too brave to call out , accept and yes, ready for
“Sar chahiyai, Sar Hum Dai Gaay,
Khoon Chahiyai, Khoon Hum Dai Gaay,
Jaan Chahiyai , Jaan Hum Dai Gaay”.