It was a bright day. The sun rose with a hope & a voice struck through out the country & awakened the mentally asleep people of a nation _ the nation being ruled by a dictator , where the people weren't independent to live their lives according to their own desire , that wasn't the rule accepted by the hearts & minds of the people , rather implemented on people by use of force , where majority of the people lived below the line of poverty and the young of the country who were the hope of the parents were unemployed . History entered a new phase on November 30 , 1967 . It is always said that whenever the destruction of a nation reaches its peak , God sends his special ones , who by using their blessed faculties change the fortunes of the people . That day i. e the 30th of November was an unforgettable day _ not only in the history of Pakistan Peoples Party or Pakistan , rather it was unforgettable in the history of the world that on this day , the political party that was formed intended to give rights to the poor and depressed people and bring about the rule of the people , for the people and by the people . The party under the leadership of Quaid_ e _ Awaam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave its manifesto as "Islam is our faith; democracy is our politics; socialism is our economy; all power to the people." Later Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto added another point in it that "Martyrdom is our destination".
From the very first day , the PPP started its struggle against dictatorship & helped overthrow the dictator of the time Ayub Khan , who was eventually forced to resign & bow to the will of the people . After long time of struggle , it formed its first government in 1971 , after the defeat of Pakistan army in the East Pakistan resulkting in the creation of a new state Bangladesh accompanied with thousands of miles captured by India and numerous soldiers taken as prisoners. During the time it was in power , the PPP leadership headed by former President & Prime Minister Shaheed Z A Bhutto succeeded in bringing back to home the 90 , 000 prisoners of war and regaining the thousands of miles stretches of land that had been captured by India.
It was during the government of PPP that numerous people were given opportunities to go overseas for employment purposes. When India tested its nuclear weapons , it was Shaheed Z A Bhutto who started the work for nuclear development and spoke of WE WILL EAT GRASS AND MAKE A BOMB. The Government of PPP brought back Pakistan on the face of the globe _ that was not an ordinary Pakistan but a progressive Pakistan , which resulted after gathering a number of small broken pieces , that whose one arm had been cut off and the other _ almost paralysed . The Bhutto Government gave every Pakistani right of education & health .Efforts were made to improve the situations of the labour community and increasing the national wealth , aiming at fair distribution of wealth & building up a perfect foreign policy based on great relations with the neighbour states especially the Muslim World. The reforms of the PPP Government made Pakistan a leading country of the Muslim World,.
Again , there was the same problem that democracy had to face . The elected Government of PPP was overthrown in a military coup of Zia ul Haq ,that was so called "FAIR PLAY".Zia's regime proved fatal for democracy . The Political Hero of The World SHAHEED ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO was hanged and no one ever after that tried to look into punishing the dictators for doing a judicial murder , nor were the judges ever asked for giving that wrong decision. The 4th of April snatched hope from the people of Pakistan but it was all done to harm democracy & destroy the integrity of Pakistan . That was done to finish PAKISTAN PEOPLES PARTY _ THE VOICE OF PAKISTAN!!!!!!! but those attempts all went waste .Yet , the PPP survived but prospered under the leadership of the Daughter of Destiny Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
Although , the way was all full of thorns , Benazeer Bhutto didn't lose hope .The fact cannot be denied that for causing democracy to fail , Benazir Bhutto's brothers Shahnawaz Bhutto and Murtaza Bhutto were murdered , but that too didn't break PPP. No one could stop the great Daughter of East from leading her country.......After struggling for years , Benazeer Bhutto Shaheed became the Prime Minister of Pakistan after winning majority in the elections held following the death of the tyrrant _ Zia ul Haq in a plane crash _ a punishment , he got from God!!!! The dictator was gone & once again , democracy got a chance to flourish . Pakistan was once again on the road to development under the leadership of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Democracy was strengthened . Many schemes were started for promoting education , empowering women , providing employments and better health facilities to people . Polio campaign was also started during her Government . Benazir Bhutto Shaheed became the Prime Minister twice but everytime , the anti democractic forces tried their best to harm democracy and both her terms in office together taken made just about 5 years ..................Pakistan but got too much in those five years .......more than 50 years of dictator rule ! Pakistan Peoples Party had to give heavy sacrifices for the sake of democracy . President Zardari had to spend years in prison _ just for helping in the revival of peoples power....... That's much more than praise worthy that during that time , Benazir Bhutto gave her children the love of both a mother and a father and had to lead the party all alone from abroad ,....................................Though she had to spend years in exile , she didn't lose hope ; she didn't give up courage .She alone fought against the dictator and on the 18th of October , 2007 , when she stepped back on her land , millions of people came to greet her _ to welcome the return of the emblem of democracy. Time passed by and the PPP started to campaign for giving rights to the people of Pakistan and accomplishing its mission and fulfilling its promises. The positions seemed clear that PPP will win those upcoming elections and Benazeer Bhutto Shaheed would be the Prime Minister , but there were people who did not want to see her in power for the third time. On the dark sunset of December 27 , 2007 , Asia , but the entire world lost its beloved daughter and leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. With this news , Pakistan was almost about finished , but then from the soil of Sindh , the arising voice of '' PAKISTAN KHAPPAY'' saved Pakistan . President Zardari did a great job for uniting the party and carrying out an effective election campaign. Newly elected party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari saved democracy in Pakistan by calling : "My mother always used to say that democracy is the greatest revenge " ; despite the fact that his mother had been snatched from him.
The people of Pakistan placed their trust on PPP and Co Chairman President Asif Ali Zardari. The morning of the 18th of February , 2008 brought a new hope for Pakistan and the Pakistan Peoples Party formed its Government . In the September of the same year , PPP Co Chairman Asif Ali Zardari was elected as the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan after the resignation of General Pervez Musharraf.Recently , the victory of PPP in the Gilgit Baltistan elections shows the party's massive support & the trust which people have on its leadership.
Pakistan Peoples Party is no doubt not only the name of a party _ rather it's the name of a legacy ; a red history , too bloodfilled to ignore . It has its roots in the people of all religions , cultures & provinces and is the unanimous voice of the people of Pakistan , because it saved Pakistan by the voice of PAKISTAN KHAPPAY !!! and any attempt to harm it's prestige or to finsh it would never work , even in a million years because " PPP has come to exist forever ".